Sunday 17 December 2017

Back to My Holiday....Part Four

So much going on I have still not had the chance to finish my holiday tale. This was going to possibly be the last time my girls and I will be able to holiday abroad together with my mum as my dad is starting to feel his age (87). It was also my first and last time at a convention. 
When I first tried for the convention I missed out then got a second chance. After some thought and talking it over with friends and family (as it would be 1. expensive and 2. dad not so good.) We decided to go. By now the Haytt Hotel in Orlando where the convention was booked was full so we booked a hotel over the road at the Rosen Centre. Well it looked close enough although once we arrived and walked from one to the other it was a twenty minute walk. 
On the Wednesday (two days late) after a sleep we went for a look around our hotel and then a walk over to The Haytt.

Below photo's from one of the restaurants 

We had planed to send Tuesday and Wednesday looking around Orlando but that never happened. Booking in for convention was from 2pm to 5pm on Wednesday so after a wander around and booking in we all needed an early night so it was back to the Rosen. This was so not what I had planned I had arranged to meet up with other convention goers from dinner and I had been hoping to do some room shopping but I knew the next few days would be jam packed so needed to sleep.
Thursday I trudged back over the the Haytt and the start of convention.
Some of the competition dolls

 Dolls in the IT museum

 OOAK Raffle dolls

 Poppy was a little confused by the sleeping head?

 Wonderful deserts 
 The diorama Competition 

 This was the only one of the four table centres that I did not win 
These are two of the three dolls I did win

Carol Roth talking with Jason Wu

I had only booked one of the Tutorials on Tattooing, it was great fun and I'm looking forward to trying it out (one day)

More views from my hotel room 

So that was pretty much Orlando, to tired and blitzed out to meet up with friends in the evenings, to tired to go room shopping, to tired to go out and about.We never left the hotels! 
I did get to do a little room shopping one afternoon actually for a couple of hours then I was in need of some rest! *sigh*
My dolls from convention
My guys including my two OOAK's by Veronica Hage