Wednesday 23 May 2018

Me and my dolls

So after taking pictures of my OOAK dolls and getting out all the IT, Momoko, Ruruko, Dynamite etc dolls 

Along with my cat supervisors 

it was time to set them up in a larger area in my garden...again the cats turned up for inspection! 
Then it was time for Barbie, I divided the Barbie's up a little as there are quite a few!Starting with the dark haired dolls 

By now it was mid afternoon and I was starting to panic, ALL the dolls needed to be put in place and photo's taken before it got dark. There was no way I was leaving my dolls out over night so it had to be done in one daughters were instructed that they would be required to help ..... 
Now when I post the next bit you might need a nice drink...maybe a few headache pills and a LOT of time!  

Tuesday 22 May 2018

It's All About Dolls

Over the last few MONTHS I have rounded up all my 'Priors'(play with) dolls. Clothes removed all got a bath and hair wash a few got a trim if required. Them I checked them all off against my doll photo list, yes every doll when they come to live with me gets a name tag and a mini photo shoot so I know who they are. Going through all the dolls I found a few with no name (I guess the snook in when I was not looking?) Other appeared to be twins or even triplets...the extras where removed, well there heads, bodies donated to another head. I like my dolls to have movement. OK, so dressed in swimwear, underwear or summer clothing, sorted into groups, FR, Ken, Homme, Momoko, Red haired Barbie' get the idea it was now photo time. But why take a few group pictures when it would be soooo much fun taking a picture of all the dolls together. So holding back the men in white coats I started at 10'oclock on a bright Sunday morning. The weather forecast was for a warm mid 20's day. NOT! It was VERY hot! Poor dolls were getting a right hot flush going (And I'm not saying what was going on with ME LOL) 
OOAK dolls 
Then I added in some Momoko's, Ruruko's and Dynamite dolls 
Then the rest of the Integrity dolls 
I started on my own but after a while I needed the help of both Amy and Sophie.....