Saturday 4 November 2017

My Holiday....Part ONE The flight from HELL!

I don't like being late, nope so when I'm going on a plane I will stay at a hotel the night before....just in case. This holiday being no different the night before we stayed at a near by Holiday Inn. Nice room and a great breakfast sets us up for the long day ahead.
So taxi to the airport and we check in and get rid of four annoying suitcase hoping to see them again in Orlando.  We are a little concerned as today is the day hurricane Ophelia was coming to visit the UK and it would be in our way. I enquired at check in and they said it was not an issue as the pilot would fly above it. 
All is going far!
Our flight is called and off we trot (I'm with my mum and my two daughters) as the girls are disabled we get on first along with our handbags and wheelies. The crew seen nice enough and we have four bulkhead seats so extra leg room.
Once all are settled, up we go and along with sucking on Haribo's (to stop our ears popping) we read and watch the emergency video. I as always go through the emergency booklet with Amy you know...just in case! 
That was when it started, first we had an announcement the the pilot could smell something and we would be returning to Gatwick, but first we would fly around for half an hour or so jettisoning fuel. OK, annoying but  what can you do? At this point we could not smell anything so not overly fussed. Then a few minutes later another announcement the smell is getting stronger so we will be land in fifteen minutes. Now people start to mumble and a lady behind us on the right has a melt down full on panic attack. We did not know this at the time but a lady behind us on the left had an angina attack. 
Things started to go a little pear shaped! Then a minute later the pilot comes back and tells us we will be landing in FOUR minutes!!!!! This was followed by 'mayday mayday'
So now there is silence apart from a few people crying the fear was tangible throughout the aircraft, that goes for the cabin crew as well. Yes, I know the 'mayday' message was not meant for us but upon hearing this we thought we were going to if buts or maybe's THAT is what we thought! Mum a I looked at each other and took a deep breath we kissed the girls and held hands as the plane made it's rapid decent. What goes through you mind at a time like this? For me my first thought was what would happen to my dad, he would never get over loosing us it would kill him? What would happen to my six cats, dad would never be able to look after then....would they be OK? Then my doll collection what the hell would he do with THAT? Next what if the girls survived and I did not? What would become of them?
This was a plane heading for was loaded with families heading for the holiday of a lifetime! 
Looking out of the windows you could see a sea of flashing blue lights as a mass of fire engines got into place next to the runway. By now the smell of jet fuel and burning could be smelt throughout the plane. We landed fast and with a few bumps, then taxied along the emergency runway at the far end of the airport. The blue lights surrounded us thick and fast, in the distance I could see those white busses, just like in a film heading towards us (just in case). We came to a stop and then another announcement from the pilot.
This time informing us that as far as they could tell the plane was OK...BUT....paramedics would be coming aboard to see the the heart patient plus, a couple of fireman with heat seeking guns to check out the plane.  

Eventually we get the all clear. Something to do with sand from the Sahara dessert and smoke from fires in Portugal, hurricane Ophelia messed things up good and proper!  Later we found out that we were not the only plane to have this issue although I don't know if they all had emergency landings? 
Like many others on the plane I was worried we might hit the news so I phoned my dad to let him know we were all OK.
Our first take off was at 1:30 pm (ish) and we were due in Orlando at 5:30 pm (with the time difference) Now we take off again with a revised landing time of 1:30 am. We are all a little nervous I think, but after a while things settle and life resumes. The meal is served and as anyone who has flown cattle class knows the food is barely edible. Today this food had the added bonus of being heated up twice and we received our dry and uneatable offerings.  No, we did not eat ours we ate crisps and biscuits that I had brought with us.
The flight continued for about six hours and then....the captain come over the speaker...  

to be continued.........

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