Thursday 17 August 2017

Goodbye Godfrey

Yes, I'm talking Godfrey who else? Well, he just was not looking himself so I thought I would need to take him to the vet, this was a couple of weeks ago. THEN Tilly had her fits and breathing stuff ending with her death so my head was elsewhere. Then Ike was ill and needed three teeth out so again I delayed Godfrey. But stroking him on Monday night I noticed a lump and instantly thought it was Cancer! He had more than this though, for some time I had noticed he was walking a little funny but Maine Coon's are known to have wobbly hips and just thought it was this or maybe that he was a bug for letting me comb him and at one time he had a major knotty botty! I found some wonderful long garden gloves so with mum's help we sorted that out, but still a little of in the walking. Now God loves to lay in the garden he has never been much of an athletic cat so him laying around in his favourite spots again went un-noticed as to there being anything wrong. BUT I had noticed he was loosing weight, again I passed this off as the other cats eating his dinner and we started feeding him separately. Anyway on Monday I found a large lump on his side and phoned the vet the following morning. He was booked in for 2 o'clock that afternoon. At the vets the young vet asked question and made notes, all the while watching Godfrey wander the room and settle on the floor next to my feet. I could tell he thought I was right but hoped with every bone in my body that I was wrong. Dad and the girls were with my and so I was trying my best to keep it together. Then it was time for the vet to look him over, the vet took a long time listening to his heart (not a good thing I knew) next he weighed him, God had gone from 8KG a couple of years ago to just over 5KG!!!! With all that fur while I knew he had lost weight I just never realised it was so much! The vet agreed there was a lump and took God to see the head vet. The prognosis was not good, he had two enlarged Kidney's and his heart was not good. They needed to do bloods and a scan plus putting a needle in each Kidney to see what was going on. OK, I agreed when would I need to bring him back? I was told they would do this now!!! It started to sink in this was not going well. The vet said he would leave us for a while so we could have some time with him...this was not going well! We went home and waited for the phone to ring. Just after four the head vet phoned, the x rays were worse than he thought and God's heart was not strong enough to survive an operation or chemo. OK, so I would collect him and have a couple of days to say goodbye if the vet could give him painkillers? But no, this was not to be he was just to poorly. So we all returned to the vets mum, dad, the girls and me, we spent time with him saying our goodbyes and just before 5 o'clock he was gone! Three hours... that was it....just three hours!
He sat on my lap as we drove home and he gave me one last gift... he peed all down my leg!
He was the sweetest, kindest, funniest, most loving, giant fluffy cuddle cat. After loosing Tilly the queen of cuddles I'm just lost! Yes, I still have Ashley, Perri, Jordan who don't 'do' the cuddle thing. I still have the bell's Anibelle and Izzibelle but they are a strange pair who live mostly in my bedroom often under my bed and not seen from one week to the next. Finally I have Ike, he will allow you to pick him up and have a short cuddle but not a lap cat. I have no Mawaaaa in the fighting me to get to the toilet first and have a head, mwaaaa to go out/in/out/in.... No fluffy bum wiggling up the garden giant cat tripping me up as I cook..... no pee on the door pee on Amy's floor (I think that was down to his kidneys?) Oh, and no need to keep the bathroom door closed so he did not pee (or poop) in the bath! God I'm going to miss that giant smelly cat!
OK, so now on to the strange stuff.....

  1. A couple of weeks ago I did all the cats for fleas the others are all still flea free BUT once God was dead and laying in a basket after about an hour we noticed about a dozen flees jumping ship? I had noticed some flea dirt but did not think anything of it as he was done only a couple of weeks ago...anyway I sprayed God and the whole room so no more fleas.
  2. So I said before that the vet had taken bloods, and God had bandage on his leg. Once dead the vet removed it and replaced with a cotton wool bud and plaster. I thought nothing of this at the time. When we got home I had put God in a basket and washed the towel (he peed on it) This morning before his burial I moved him onto the clean towel the basket was very, very bloody! I guess the bloods had been taken from a main artery and he had bled into the basket. So the basket went into the wash and he is now in a towel on a tray (will be dumping the tray). Thing was under the basket the blood had leaked onto the floor and have got into the join. I've disinfected the area but you can still see for the strange part! When I had the floor laid there had been a few tiles left over so I had put them on a board to use as flooring in my dioramas. Amy was in the study with me and had some how got one of these tiles stuck to her foot??? How? The flooring is on it's side along with a dozen more boards. They have been there a couple of years and none have ever come loose (anyway even if they had this board was sandwiched between the other boards)  
  3. I told mum this story and she just phoned me back, as she was making her bed she had remembered a dream she had last night. In the dream she was making her bed and it was covered in blood? SPOOKY!!!!

2005 3 months old
6 months old
9 months old
1 year old


2012 with Gezabelle
2013 With Gezabelle,Izzibelle and Annibelle
2017 his last ever photo taken on 13 August 2017 (he died on the 15th)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your loss. He obviously was a special and gorgeous Maine Coon.
