Sunday 10 May 2015



Posted by saucy-suwi on April 6, 2009 at 5:02 PM Comments comments (0)
Many of you know of my handsome Godfrey 'The God' this morning I had to take him to the Royal Veterinary Hospital and he is a VERY sick boy!
On Thursday night he came in leaving a trail of bloody paw prints. He has a gash in one of his hind paws, I bathed it as best I could and hoped for the best. On Friday he seamed fine. Yesterday I had the girls at home and did not notice anything amiss until I was going to bed. He was on my bed and when I tried to shush him downstairs he would not go! In the end I carried him down( No mean feat as he is VERY heavy) Anyway when I got up this morning he did not meow and rattle at the kitchen door as he normally does. I went down and he can't put weight on his paw it is now VERY swollen and when I picked him up he felt very hot!
Well, as always happens it's the weekend so the vets is not open so we had to take him to the hospital and they said the infection has spread he has a VERY high temperature and while we was there his breathing has become labored (I hope it might be in part due to the stress of being at the vets?) They have kept him in he might be well enough to come home tonight otherwise maybe tomorrow?
I'm just sooooo glade that we have insurance it's going to cost $1000's to get him well!!!!
I'm worried sick, I love my boy to bit's I can't stand that he is so ill and he might not have made it to tomorrow if I had not taken him today! Even now ?????

Posted by saucy-suwi on March 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM Comments comments (0)
Well, I'm still working on it!
For those that are new to the board or have a short memory here are the links to the story so far
First we have Neal's Dates

Neals Dates

Then running along side this story we have Sarah's Story

(picture by Dawn)

Sarah's Story

These finished about the time I moved so we had The Suwi Narmi
The Suwi Narmi

Now at the moment I'm without a doll room! I'm finding this VERY hard! LOL I love to play with my dolls and there starting to get very antsy at not having proper homes! So I started to plan the doll room and gave them the opportunities of reserving a new home the new town will be called The Priors
The Priors

The only trouble is I still don't have a room! First I thought I would build a shed and make my doll room in there? It would have to be damp proofed and have power etc. Then I would need some sort of cover so I could get from the back door to the shed?
The other option is the loft? For this I would need loft ladders and the room lined plus power the same as the shed.
BUT Although the shed would cost more it would be a good clean shape! The loft would have slopping ceilings so shorter side walls AND two support beams that can't be moved (well they can but it would cost thousands!)aslo the water tanks are up there!
So what to do??????
Shed or loft? Loft or shed?
It's driving me NUTS and until I can decided NO DOLL ROOM = NO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway while I'm trying to decide I thought I might start writing the next chapter in my doll story. Well as always I got a little carried away and now I'm on chapter 22! So I'm going to try a cobble together set room sets and at least start to publish my story before it turns into a full scale novel!
Any help/advice or opinions on shed v loft would be most appreciated....

Barbie's Birthday Bash....

Posted by saucy-suwi on March 8, 2009 at 7:34 PM Comments comments (2)
Birthday Bash was on from 12-6 pm today
We had a family day out in London today
Sophie, Amy mum and dad and ME!

On arrival at Hamleys we were greeted at the door by a young woman dressed in a Barbie t.shirt. She directed us to the 3rd floor....The Barbie Floor
They were giving away mini Barbie cakes with sugar butterfly's on them.
As we approached the 3rd floor we could see a TON of pink balloons. They were giving away goody bags (see below) and balloons There was a looooooooooong cue to meet 'Barbie' plus Barbie face painting etc.
We decided to avoid this and do straight to looking at the dolls
They were all very expensive even by London standards
Then and Now Barbie was £13 ($20) The Repro collection are on sale for £50 ($75) they had the Tarina Tarantino doll for £145 ($200)

After Hamleys we went to Carnaby St 

Then along Oxford St 

Oh, and don't forget it's Mothers Day on the 22nd March in England! LOL 

Posted by saucy-suwi on March 3, 2009 at 9:09 AM Comments comments (0)
Got the builders in (again) at the moment. I now have a hand basin in the downstairs toilet! Still need the pipes boxed in though! The down side of not owning the house....the landlord won't pay for the pipes to be channeled into the walls!!!!
Also had a vanity unit fitted in the bathroom! YAY! so now no more boxes of shampoo etc on the kitchen floor.
Fence been put up along side of the garden so now Amy can't climb over and full down the drop 3ft on the other side.
Today the builder laid a path from the house to where I park my car.
All jobs are almost finished so when they are I will take pictures.
I had a phone call from a teacher at Sophie's school today...I thought 'now what's she done?'
It turn out she was nominated for all round most improved pupal. It's out of 32 schools and she has been short listed in the top three so she will either get runner up or could win? Not sure 'what' she wins but who cares she's in the last three!!!!!!
The awards ceremony is on Wednesday so will let you know then how she gets on!
I'm on page 16 for my new story THE PRIORS. All I need to do now is work out how to get some pictures taken to go with the story and off we go.......
So that's it for now....
Oh, do you want a couple of Doll Pictures? 

Saturday 21st February

Posted by saucy-suwi on February 21, 2009 at 11:04 AM Comments comments (0)
Went to the pictures today with mum, dad and the girls. I wondered if Amy would stay awake and as we were seeing Bolt in 3D how she would get on with the glasses.....
Well, it all went OK. I brought along some celotape and taped her normal glasses and the 3D ones together which worked very well. She loved the film (we all did) and I pulled a bit of a fast one.... As there are three adults and two children we always sit adult, child, adult, child, adult. Me, I was first in so sat next to Sophie leaving Amy to sit between mum and dad! LOL
Got to watch the film without any disturbances Amy did fuss that she was hungry and munched her way through the best part of a large bag of Multesers but at least she was good!
Then we had lunch at Pizza Hut and then we went to look for a vanity unit for the bathroom. The builders are in all of next week so look forward to another fun week! Still at least the girls should be back at school! I hope!!!!!
I did get the chance to take a few pictures yesterday, when I say a few I actually mean over 100 so i will only be showing you a few.......... at a time!

Ava and Madison 


Addison, Abigail and Hannah 

Ashley, Alyssa and Mia 

Vitamin C, Chloe and Natalie 


Computer Barbie (she has such a funny face) 

Liz and Emma 

More tomorrow.....

6th February

Posted by saucy-suwi on February 6, 2009 at 9:33 AM Comments comments (0)
The girls have been home all week with a brief respite yesterday



I did try to get Godfrey out but he was having none of it! Typical of a cat bred for the cold winters of Maine!!!! 

The snow looked so interesting on the bush I had to take a couple of picks... 
All drippy

And spiky too!


Midge trudging through to snow 

Jenn takes Lemon for a walk and meets up with Doroteya her Russian friend

Lemon's not so good in the snow

Sarah and Neal are out for a strole 

They all meet up for a chat

Even dolls can slip over in the snow!

5th February

Posted by saucy-suwi on February 5, 2009 at 9:30 AM Comments comments (0)
So today after having the girls at home all week (snowed in) I decided it was time to send them back to school, as they were driving me NUTS!!!!!

8:30 As we live at the bottom of a hill in a village that does not get to see a gritter getting out of the road was a little tricky, but we made it! The drive to school was not to bad and I would have the whole day to play….YES!!!!

9:15 So on arrival home I put on some washing made a cup of tea and thought I would just phone my mum and dad (I do this every morning) My mum can talk for England! But eventually she ran out of things to tell me, by then the washing machine had finished so I put the wet washing into the dryer and put another load on.

10:30 OK, still plenty of doll time. Just Check my emails pay a couple of bills and then doll time

11.00 CUCKOO ( so my door bell cuckoo and does not ding dong!!!) It was the postman. A parcel ….strange not sure what can be in this shaped box? On opening it…..four light bulbs …...gosh! How exciting! NOT!!!!!!

11:15 washing machine finishes so I go empty the dryer fold it up and put the washing in the dryer and put the next load of washing on. It’s OK I still have plenty of doll play time. Just check what’s going on at DD then I’ll have the rest of the day for dolls!…

11:55 Humm...nearly lunch time, and I did say I would bake the girls some cakes! Well, I can do that while in getting some lunch and a cup of tea

12:15 CUCKOO…. It’s my dad he thought he would pop in on his way back from delivering some flowers to the golf club! I make him a cup of tea and we have a chat. Then he brings the vacuum cleaner back down from upstairs ( I can get it up stairs but since I hurt my knee I can’t get it down) YEH, I know very strange….

1:00 Washing again…. Then I decide the floor could do with a quick clean….Then I’ll have some doll time!

1:30 CUCKOO…. A man about some work that’s being done in the garden, etc. He didn’t take to long so now I can go play with my dolls…But before I get into my study…...

1:45 CUCKOO….Parcelforce with two packages for me...YES!!!!! Open the little one first. A doll called Kisara I brought on Doll Auction. 

The second my WONDERFUL Luchia. Sooooooooo happy! 

Then I remembered that Sophie normally goes dancing after school today but because of the weather would it be cancelled? I had better phone the school! After hanging on for 5 minutes the receptionist comes back she can’t find the dance teacher so will phone me back….

2:45 So now can I play with my dolls? Got one of those kitchen cupboard stands. So I thought it would make a good doll shelf! 

2:55 Oh, I just remembered I need to finish the cakes! Now I had better put the dishwasher on…

3:10 Quick some doll time…

3:35 Took some dolls of the shelf and……the phone rings!!!!!! It’s Sophie school there’s no dance tonight she’s waiting for me in the office! 

3:45 Leave to collect Sophie then on to collect Amy and home again

4:45 Change Amy out of her wet clothes (fell over in the snow twice)

5:15 Cook dinner

6:30 Get Amy and Sophie ready for bed cuddles and stories, sort stuff out for the morning!

8:15 Put all the washing away

9:15 So NOW is it time for some doll play???? YAWN…...Or time for a bath and bed?

January 23rd

Posted by saucy-suwi on January 23, 2009 at 4:43 PM Comments comments (1)
STILL decorating!!! Put some extra shelves in the dining room....I brought the shelves by mail order and when they arrived dad and I opened the box....ALL the shelves were scratched! Sooooo I ordered another set. They dually arrived and I opened the box....they were all scratched too! Then on closer inspection they all had a plastic film over them!!! Removed the film the shelves are now I have six shelves! I could have sent one set back but we soon found then a wall so today we put up shelves!!!!...

I've spent a lot of the day taking pictures of some of my girls in there garden...

I have a ton more pictures but I need to photoshop them first!

As to the rest of my life.....
Amy still keeps getting up in the middle of the night, turning on the light, opens the door then TALKS to her toys! GRRRRRRA

Sophie is in a dream mood at the moment and takes an AGE to do anything!!!!
I still have a pain in my butt! No, I mean as well as Sophie and Amy. I slipped on some ice and I think I must have palled something??? So now I limp around and my family and 'friends' think it's soooooo funny!
I've been locking the cats in the kitchen at night as I have had enough of being woken in the night with a furry butt on my head!!!! So all is well until Amy wakes up.... she then wakes up Godfrey who YOWLS for England and bangs on the door.... remember this is a giant Maine Coon cat not a little Kittie 
I guess that's it for now. Hope to have some more dolly time tomorrow

January 20th

Posted by saucy-suwi on January 20, 2009 at 2:37 PM Comments comments (0)
Hi! Long time no chat!!!!
So what's been a happenin'
Weeell the girls are back at school and I thought I might get some 'me' time...LOL what a silly idea!
Well gone back to decorating, now finished Sophie's room and I just need to change the wardrobe doors in Amy's room.
Painted the tiles in the bathroom and started in the kitchen no pictures yet just want to add the finishing touches first! LOL
As for Sophie's room she wants to take pictures and post them herself!
Boy! she knows her own mind (I guess like mother like daughter)
BUT.....with the little me time I have had I've started to take pictures of my dolls....YES, ALL my dolls...
So lets get the ball rolling....
I've shown you my OOAK's
So now Barbie Time...
Don't worry I'm not gonna post ALL my Barbie's at once...
So here's a start...


January 2nd 2009

Posted by saucy-suwi on January 7, 2009 at 12:19 PM Comments comments (0)
January 2nd 2009

News Years Resolutions....
Finish my home to a 'livable standard'
Not to shout at my daughters...Oops to late! Broke that one already
Build me a BIG doll house.... BIG?
Well big enough to house ALL my doll goodies?
OK, OK a town....
Get a swimming pool for the garden... No! Nothing fancy just an above ground pool that they can play in IF we get a summer....
And the last one?....
Well that I only decided on today...NEVER open an email from someone I don't know when I'm tiered!!!! Boy did I mess up!
I opened a email from someone about Yahoo and Grouply well being sleepy I was not as curious as I am normally and logged on. I was only half following the link instructions thinking it was to do with Yahoo... Well to cut a long story short Grouply sent an e.mail to EVERYONE on all the boards I have an affiliation with!!!! I'm not quite sure what this does but can mess up the group somehow? Or, at least that's what I've been told! So the moral of the story?
1. Stay awake
2. Check your links!

Anyway I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year...
As it was our first Christmas in the new house we had it at home with my mum and dad. The girls were naturally up early the mum and dad came round about 10 ish and we opened our presents 

Amy loved her scooter although it's been to cold for her to go out on it yet 

It's him again...Big Butt Godfrey 

Talking of cats 
Didi's been at the Criptonite!

This was my one and only Christmas Doll 
And I had to give it to my dad and tell him to by it for me for Christmas.... How sad am I????LOL

Anyway we had a lovely day...NOT ONE ARGUMENT!!!!! How strange is THAT!

Boxing day was just as good spent at my parents home. Then on Saturday my friend and two of her boys came over for lunch at a local pub... then we swapped gifts at my place...another wonderful day! I was starting to feel very relaxed and at ease with the world....

I even managed a bit of dolly play time. Decided the girls needed to change into winter outfits... Two days and 73 outfits later I ran out of outfits! Hope to have a little photo shoot tomorrow.

New Years Eve we went to mum and dad had a nice evening but Amy got over tired and we had to go home at 11. So by midnight I was in bed fast asleep.
New Years Day I overslept. Mum,dad and a family friend were coming to lunch so things got a bit.... frought???

Mum and dad gave me £50 to by a Magnolia tree for my garden so we went to the garden center today. They have a sale on so found some gifts for my dolls... Not had chance to take pictures yet.

And finally 
Look what's for dinner!!!!

January 4th

Posted by saucy-suwi on January 4, 2009 at 6:18 AM Comments comments (0)
OK, so guess who got thrown out of Gymnastics???
AMY!!!!LOL Sophie used to go to gym club every Sunday morning, so when Amy arrived I would take her along with us! She loved to watch and was disparate to join in. Then last year when Sophie started secondary school I decided that with her other commitments it was best if she just did gymnastics's at school. Then a couple of days ago I got a phone call from the club to ask if Amy (as she is now old enough) would like to join. I admit I was a little hesitant at saying yes but thought we could give it a go....
Well she lasted 1/2 hour of a 1 1/2 session! She just WOULD NOT do as she was told and was a complete nightmare. So they asked us to leave! Must say I can't blame them and was about to remove her anyway as I felt it was not fare on the others! Oh, well maybe next year? The good bit is I don't have to get up early on a Sunday morning to take her! 
Still busy changing and sorting my dolls. I think I have sorted them now into groups

1. Boxed (at least for now)

2. Display (to be kept in my cabinets) these are mostly vintage

3. Extras (these are the dolls that are used to pad out the town when it's built)

4. The main character's

5. My naked dolls awaiting experimentation!!!!!!

So that's it for now and hope to show you some more of my guys and girls very soon!

Oh, and if your wondering where the rest of my guys are there in a box still!!!!!

Posted by saucy-suwi on October 27, 2008 at 9:52 AM Comments comments (0)
So posted a ton of pic's of my house as it was when we moved in so now it's...... Update time
Well we are making progress. The walls have now all been re plastered (blown plaster) and new skirting boards in my bedroom (wood worm) The broken stair has been fixed as has the broken back door. We replaced the 6 inch wide letter box with a normal sized box (much to the joy of the newspaper delivery guy and the postman) LOL
I change the kitchen cupboard knobs for chrome ones and put up two wall display cupboards. Shorted out the electric's trying to put up another kitchen cupboard so went out and brought one of those detector things! And we need to remove part of the door frame to put up another cupboard!!!!! But I have painted the ceiling! 

My study is filling up fast 

The dining room even has some paint on the walls 

Not a lot happening in the living room (still needs the ceiling plastered) 

Painted out the orange doors and removed the door to no where but the ceiling still needs so attention before we can start decorating the hall! 

Painted the bathroom wall silver but needs another coat... 

Been working on Amy's bedroom the last couple of days. Painted the ceiling, re sealed around the window and my has lined the walls ready for painting and papering the main wall. Sophie opened the airing cupboard door yesterday and it fell off!!!! So another job to add to the list! *sigh* 

So that's it for the moment!

Posted by saucy-suwi on October 24, 2008 at 4:00 PM Comments comments (0)
A couple of weeks back I showed you around the ground floor of my new house! With all the fulling down walls etc...LOL
So now it's time for upstairs

Although there are three bedrooms Amy's room needs a bit of work. So the girls are STILL sharing a room 

Nice .....hummm

My Bedroom 

Amy's room

And the Bathroom

Still in need of a little work!

Posted by saucy-suwi on October 15, 2008 at 3:38 PM Comments comments (0)
At last things are starting to get a bit more sorted! Hope to get some dolls out this week end!Just before I moved I got a wonderful box of doll goodies from Dawn that I've not had time to play with just plus a package from Gwen, my Sept POM, a wonderful box of clothes for Lizzi and Lotti from Marna! This is me NOT buying anything!!!LOL Oh, and a little something that I can't tell you about until after the 18th!!!!
As for the house.....well.....
What do they say 'a pictures worth a thousand words?' 
Front door and downstairs toilet. Love the orange peeling paint!
Living room. The wall had to be completely re plastered as did around the window!
 Dining room. Again the plaster had blown around the window

Pine and floral tiles are just not my 'thing' LOL plus the orange floor has a big cigarette burn hole in it!

Lobby. This is the room between the kitchen and study plus where the back door is. The back door does not have a key, the glass is broken (not safety glass)and warped! The opposite end is blocked in and with a good kick you would be through!!!! To be replaced with glass bricks.

My study. Walls covered in bits of board like some sort of patchwork quilt! no proper floor!

So that's the downstairs, I'll show you upstairs next visit

Posted by saucy-suwi on October 1, 2008 at 3:18 PM Comments comments (0)
Well, we managed to get most of our stuff packed up before the move. I picked up the keys on the Friday and we were not moving until the following Friday so had a whole week to get the new house ready!!!!! NOT LOL
We managed to strip off most of the old wallpaper only to find the plaster came of too!!!!
The glass in the front door has a crack in it and I have NEVER seen such a small letter box before! My bed room skirting board has wood worm and the radiator in Amy's bedroom does not work! The is a hole in the airing cupboard floor big enough for a cat to get under the floor boards. Oh, and a damp patch under the landing window!!!! The guttering has a gap above the window so I guess this might have something to do with it?
BUT I still love the house!LOL
Outside they have cut down ALL 22 trees that were at the end of the garden! I could have cried when I sore this! But apparently the were unsafe and might fall on the house! They have cleared the messy area at the end of the garden removed the broken garage and unfortunately the green house had also been removed! Now there is a new fence and the front garden is to be seeded for grass! (I hate grass, it gives me hay fever)
BUT I still love my big garden!
Sorry no pictures at the moment still looking for the camera! LOL

Posted by saucy-suwi on October 1, 2008 at 3:17 PM Comments comments (0)
Hi, all! Yes, I know this weeks theme was my suggestion and I've not even posted yet!!!!LOL
I'm gonna post my weeks pic's for Theme today as I doubt I will get time again!But I will post theme under the correct categories!

And thank you to all you lovely DD's who e. mailed me to check I was OK!
I have been so very busy with packing. Moving day tomorrow!!!!
I have spent the last THREE DAYS with my dad in my doll room packing it up! Now we have run out of space to put all the boxes so I will have to wait for some to go to the new house before we can get the rest down! I'm so glade I do not have to move in one day. I have until Monday week to had back the keys to the house I'm in now! YAY!

Posted by saucy-suwi on September 9, 2008 at 4:43 PM Comments comments (0)
Spent most of the weekend packing and sorting, boy do I have a TON of junk! I've decided to get ride of a load of Barbie's. Stripped of there clothes first though!LOL Those FR girls and new Barbie body girls will be having so much fun with all there new clothes when I unpack!
I'm trying to finish my Neal's Dates and Sarah stories before I pack it all away! I'm hoping to post the last of the stories this weekend. Look out for a VERY surprising finish! Well, I say finish but it will only be a temporary thing as soon as I'm settled as the famous gent said " I'll be back" LOL
Went to a wallpaper wholesalers this morning with Lorraine (she want to decorate her house when 'the creep' goes!)But could not find anything I liked under $200 a roll and no I did not accidentally add a '0'!!!! But I did get some interesting idea's! I'm going to buy a simple wallpaper and jazz it up with crystal's! Not sure what room it's for yet though!LOL Then we went to a florist wholesalers for some acid free white tissue paper! No prizes for guessing what that's for!Loads of interesting items for the new house! Was very good though only brought the paper!
Then it was time for lunch and some grocery shopping. We then had to rush back home to collect the girls from school!
When I got home mum phoned to say she and my dad had popped in to look at my house on the way home from golf? 

As you can see not exactly the most direct route!LOL
She said that the garden is being completely re turfed. 

The whole in the front garden is going 

The green house will stay( I thought they might remove it) But YAY! It's staying! 

The garage that's fulling down will go, 

I don't know if they will replace it or just leave head standing! The trees in the back garden have been chopped down, they were Laylundi which you are no longer allowed to grow above a certain height. This has made the garden even bigger? As if it was not big enough already!

They were not allowed to look inside the house but there is a lot of building work going on in there too! I can't wait to see what they do! Will I be able to put up with it or will I need to rip it all out again?LOL I find it so strange that it will be MY home but I can't say how I want it done!

I have started to sort and pack up some of the dolls and Dioramas. My poor Boutique has just had a relocation sale! 

Posted by saucy-suwi on August 26, 2008 at 6:06 PM Comments comments (0)
Not posted for a couple of days so I thought I'd give you a bit of a catch up!
My friend is now home and so far so good on the ex! She got home with the boys about 2 o'clock and I went round with the girls for the rest of the day. She had a letter saying that the ex was desperately missing the boys? Strange then that he did not turn up until 6:30 stuck his head around the door and said hello to the boys and went up to his room! Now how was they? did they have a nice holiday? Or more to the point here's your birthday presents!!!!! At 8 o'clock the girlfriend turned up and he was gone!

My Spanish cats from Lorianne

Sunday the girls, mum, dad and I went to the beach. It was very overcast and quite windy but the weather improved as the day went on. Mum had made Cornish Pasties for lunch then we went for a wall. After a while the sun came out and the girls had a play in the sea! All in all it was a very nice day! 
This is what the beach was like when we arrived

And then the sun came out

Monday was a Bank Holiday in England so the girls and I had a quite day at home. The cloud was back and it was to cold for them to go swimming in the pool!Sophie and Amy spent most of the day reading watching TV and dancing. I went up in the doll room and sorted out a TON of Barbie's that will need to find a new home!
Barbie's For Sale 

All Dolls are $3 each please e.mail me if interested. Will ship World Wide

Today AGAIN the weather was poor even though the forecast said it was supposed to be getting better! Can NEVER trust a weather forecast! The girls spent the day just playing and mum and dad came round for a while this afternoon. (Talked houses) LOL As much as I try not to think about my 'perfect house' I just can't stop myself! So there are now 42 people bidding on the house, bidding ends Wednesday lunchtime and notice will be received by Saturday! So then I will know!!!!! God I feel sick! I've not slept in days! I sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo want this house! Up until now mum and dad have been quite good with the 'Oh, well there's a better one out there' and I've even been happy to go along with this up until now! But now? Well we all feel this is IT! There is no better! Oh, I want this house!
So Saturday I will be sitting at the window awaiting the postman. Then it will either be shouting and jumps for joy followed by a phone call to mum and dad and a start on the packing! I think the house wont be to bad but the doll room.... well THAT is another thing entirely
LOT'S of crying a bit of depression then I guess I will pull myself together and await the following Friday when we start all over again Apart from this being stressful for me it's starting to get to the girls too! Oh, well one day........

Posted by saucy-suwi on August 22, 2008 at 6:56 PM Comments comments (0)
Yesterday my mum had my girls for the afternoon so I got a bit of me time. I was hoping to spend the afternoon playing but after a bit of grocery shopping and phone calls to my friend who is still on vacation in Spain (comes home tomorrow) and her solicitor plus a couple of loads of shopping all I got around to was a bit of a tidy up! Today there was no time for doll play! It was house day today. For those of you that have been following me with this you will know what I mean but for anyone else
I'm trying to move to a larger house as at the moment I have a two bed and Amy keeps Sophie awake all night as she has sleep problems! I live in a housing association house and they have recently started a new way of doing this. It's based on a points system and the more points you have the better chance you have! Every two weeks they issue a 'free sheet' also available on line. If you see a property you have been approved for (I can only bid for three bed homes) You can express an interest You can have up to 3 expressions of interest every issue.
So far issue
1. no 3 bed houses
2. 3 new 3 bed houses just at the back of my parents house. Would have been nice but VERY small gardens.
3. A 3 bed house just round the corner from where I live now but not in the best of roads. Missed it by 1 point
4. No 3 bed houses
5. Now.... 1 three bed house about 3 miles away with a MASSIVE garden and a down stairs WC and a dinning room! The dining room bit is odd as I was told that because there was such a shortage of houses if a 3 bed house had a dining room it would be classed a a 4 bed house????? So it's in a quite village with field's on one side and woods behind! Did I mention a MASSIVE garden! Not seen inside but as they say on TV it's Location, Location, Location! that matters!
As I was told I was in second place for the last house and missed it by 1 point I should in theory be in first place. BUT I could be gazumped if someone comes in who has been made homeless or something! This is where it becomes a little unfair as I could be at the top of the list for years and someone could come along and every time and jump in front of me! Don't get me wrong I feel sorry for people that have lost there home especially if it's threw no fault of there own but well I can't live in limbo for the next xx months or years!
And now for something completely different. We went to see Mama Mia today! This film is a MUST we all loved it even my dad! I can't wait for it to come out on DVD and we can have a ABBA night! LOL
On a dolly note I brought three top model dolls 1/2 price in a discount toy store today and my trousers arrived from Cindy!

Some just because pictures 

Posted by saucy-suwi on August 21, 2008 at 1:57 PM Comments comments (0)
My cousin Clare and her kids Emma and Ben came today and the rain stayed away! Well most of the day anyway! The heater on the pool worked she the kids spent most of the day in the pool! Clare and I done a ton of catching up and we all had a real fun day!

Amy did go in the pool but got out while I was upstairs getting my camera

On the doll front... well Clare was the cousin I spent every weekend and all the school holidays with we almost always played Barbie and she could point out all the outfits we had as children when she was looking through my collection today...

And the dolls we had as children...

And the postman had a little parcel for me today.... A new Homme outfit from Chewin! YAY!!!

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