Friday 14 July 2017


Got the music rocking again another good day (so far). The end of my 'day off' yesterday did not go as expected, but in good way. Girls went to my parents for the day so I could get some 'me' time. Phone was ringing a few times but I figured if it was important they would leave a message so let it ring out (no messages). Then I went to my parents for dinner and to collect girls. While awaiting dinner I thought I would check in on my pregnant friend (her ex has just become her ex if get me?) Anyway turns out it was her that had been phoning and she had booked an appointment to have a 3D scan and see what sex the baby is she's 19 weeks. She wanted to let me know and see if I wanted to go with her? This was at just gone six pm and scan was booked for 8:20pm. Well, naturally I did want to, I've never seen a real scan let alone a 3D one (my girls are adopted). So along with her other kids we arrived at the clinic and after a few minutes we all pilled into the scan room. All I can say is WOW it's amazing waiting the baby on the monitor screwing up it's little fists and jiggling around. Amazing! When it was time to sex the baby I blurted it out before the sonographer. My old friends will know this is something I'm a bit good at anyway. Not the blurting out (although I have been known to do that in the past LOL) No, I only need to look at a pregnant woman to tell what sex the baby will be, I'm still on a 100% correct.... not that I'm boasting or anything He He. So it was as she wanted and we went back to her place with her floating on air. I'm so very happy for her, next week is the 20 week scan at the hospital, this is to check for abnormalities etc THEN we are going shopping! 
I do have a copy of the pictures but forgot to ask if I could post them and she's out now so will post them tomorrow if she does not mind. 
So back in my little world I cave started to re-build the penthouse in my hotel that became water damaged when a ball got stuck in the top of the drainpipe and walls got a little wet! 
The single room was also damaged 
And this is what the wall looks like behind the boards 
Only other pictures I have for you are some cat pictures! 
This is how it works in my house cats have the chairs while the humans sit on the floor! 
These pictures I took this morning 
Tilly is just THE sweetest of cats 
This Jordan as BAG PUSS 
No, we did not put the bag on him he crawled under it!

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