Saturday 29 July 2017

It's Rainy It's Poring I Wish I Was Snoring!

Wednesday was yet another rainy day *sigh* why was summer so short and hot? It's about time the weather gods got it together and gave us some warm and comfortable weather, I'm not asking much just a few days/weeks with NICE weather not so wet it floods or hot you pass out getting from your car to the front door! Oh, and while I'm on a roll what is it with BUGS? Mosquito's What are they for? (apart from biting my legs and keeping me awake itching at night) I might have found a way to stop the itching as bite cream was not working I tried a cool pad and after a few minutes the itching stopped. So now I don't have to sleep with my legs hanging out awaiting bite!
So Wednesday was wet and I worked on my doors (diorama). The my new printer scanner arrived so now I can sort through all my old photo's and save the good ones.
Thursday I had to get up early (before 9am) as Amy had the orthodontist, a few tweaks to her brace so now she can only eat mush! Have you ever tried mushing a bacon's quite....interesting!
In the afternoon I met up with my friend at the hospital for another check on her and the baby, did I explain she had a high risk pregnancy? One day I will remember to ask if it's OK to give more details on this but I keep forgetting! Anyway what I can say is so far so good and mother and little pink banana are doing well. Then it was to my mum's for dinner and home to watch a program about firefighters and Grenfell Tower. (the 24 floor tower block that burnt down killing over 80 people) So that was my 'me' day with not a lot of 'me' time.
Friday the rain had the morning off and the girls managed a swim in the pool. By the afternoon normal service had resumed and the rain was back. I did get a while in the doll room to work on my penthouse. A delivery of Foam-core boards arrived so I now need to find my tiles and start on the exterior walls of the Shopping Mall AND the hotel. Also still working on those dreaded DOORS! Not quite so fearful now as I have a *sort of* template worked out.
This is the re-vamped single hotel room just the TV shelf to go in and a chair.
A few shots of the penthouse almost finished just a couple of things to add and a clean up
Cleaners are already hard at work
I'm very pleased with my door
I will be showing the penthouse in more detail in a DIORAMA post hopefully next week.
And just to round off my post
Ike and Godfrey
God dropped Ike covered his nose
Jordan being 'helpful'....NOT!

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