Monday 29 May 2017

Swimming Pool Time

Missed out posting yesterday. It was son dang HOT! Humid hot and knocking on 80! Mind you today is even hotter hitting 80. Yes, I know for some that's a good temperature but I'm English and we are not used to it. To hot to do a lot mum came round to help get the swimming pool out but some we could not do with four so had to wait for dad to come round and them for the heat to dissipate a bit! 
Ended up putting in the poles after dinner in the fading light, still warm though! Even a cold shower before bed was little help, so pleased I can across a cool pad such a wonderful invention. I would say if you suffer from the heat or you are that menopause age get one they are not even expensive. For those in England £7.99 from The Range. Can be used in the car, bed chair ....stuffed up you top or down trousers I guess would work too LOL? 
Mum and dad back today as mum wants to get as much planting (veg and plants) as she can, I have been keeping her supplied with water, tea and ice cream. I would do my own planting but mum enjoys it and when I do plant something it's never the right place so I long given up. 
Dad took another tumble when drilling holes in bases of plant pots...silly old fool! He is fine just a little shaken and another job he will no longer be allowed to do. 
My friend popped in for a couple of hours with photo's from her 12 week is amazing at 8 weeks just a blob and now head, eyes, nose, hands they are all there. I have named the baby Banana and it will be loved by all it's Minions. 
Cats have had a wonderful day with first Godfrey, then Perri and later Ike all bringing birds home for my inspection. Unfortunately the birds were all still alive, I'm hoping once removed from the cats that they/it made it back to their families? 
Amy cooling off 
Sophie helping me to sort through the solar lights 
A look at my garden 
There might only be a couple of inches of water in the pool but that was enough for my girls 

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